Thursday, January 8, 2009


This is a blog devoted to documenting the actions of the police force, or just "the force", and to providing an anarcho-capitalist/agorist perspective. I will occasionally write about other things, such as culture, art, and music, but this blog is mainly devoted to politics.

I really think that "the force" is an apt description of the police. In this humble bloggers view, "force" is the clearest definition of what the armed men who walk amongst us actually are. Police seem to be viewed (depending on your perspective) as anything from guardians and protectors of the peace to racist oppressors. In my view of things, the police simply represent a militarized arm of the state, devoted to exercising control over the ruled. This control can be mild and (relatively) unintrusive, or it can be violent, murderous, and prejudiced. The one thing that it can never be is: legitimate. Because they are the most coercive arm of a coercive state, they act without the consent of those that they act against, and their power is always already illegitimate.

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